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Involving Diaspora for Development Iraq

Members of the Iraqi diaspora in the Netherlands can contribute to the development of Iraq through their expertise, knowledge and entrepreneurship. IOM’s Connecting Diaspora for Development (CD4D) project for Iraq consists of two components:

    IOM supports the development of identified sectors by strengthening the capacity of key institutions by engaging the diaspora community in the Netherlands. Through temporary assignments, professional diaspora members are linked to the selected institutions in Iraq to share knowledge and expertise. CD4D is demand-driven, meaning that all assignments respond to the capacity-building needs in the selected institutions.
    IOM enables diaspora entrepreneurs to start or expand a business in Iraq. You may have a business idea that could contribute positively to the development of your country of origin. Selected candidates can participate in go-and-see mission in Iraq to scan the business climate to decide if their business idea is viable.

For detailed information about the procedure, please contact Mr. Zia Gulam, IOM the Netherlands, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; tel.: +31 610 549 961

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