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Technical Support to Sustain a Learning Network and Scale the Labour Market Inclusion of Newcomers in the Netherlands

Technical support to sustain a learning network and scale the labour market inclusion of newcomers in the Netherlands.


LEARN, labour market inclusion of newcomers through work and study


The Commission supports the Netherlands’ efforts to ensure the sustainable inclusion of permit holders on the labour market. Together with IOM, technical support is provided in establishing and building capacity for a learning network, as well as for the setting up and scaling up of effective labour market interventions that are a combination of work and study (work-study programmes).


Permit holders lag in terms of their participation on the Dutch labour market. Closing this gap and including permit holders on the labour market is priority in the European Partnership for Integration (2017) of the European Commission. In the Netherlands, it has been included under Pillar 6 of the Integral Migration Agenda, as well in its related Civic Integration and Labour Market Participation policies.

Support delivered

Throughout 2023, IOM, in close coordination with the Ministry and the Commission, provides content for the meetings of a Learning Network that is to become sustainable and consists of implementers of labour market interventions in the Netherlands (i.e. local and national government, educational institutions, and employers). Towards the end of 2023, moreover, IOM will create a manual to make insights about effective work-study programmes applicable for implementers and formulate evidence-based policy recommendations regarding the creation of favourable conditions in the Netherlands for the setting up and scaling up of work-study programmes.

Results achieved

The project will contribute to a Dutch labour market that is more inclusive to permit holders. As a main result, policy recommendations and an implementation guideline will have been produced in line with EU good practices, and a sustainable learning network will have been set up, assisting key stakeholders in the Netherlands in their efforts to include permit holders on the labour market. This achievement provides a solid basis for future developments, considering the labour market inclusion of permit holders as a process of continuous reform.

This project is funded by the European Union via the Technical Support Instrument and implemented by IOM, in cooperation with the European Commission.

EN Funded by the EU POS